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Is drug court an option when someone is facing drug charges?

On Behalf of | Oct 4, 2024 | Criminal Defense |

Although people frequently assume that California has incredibly liberal drug laws, the reality is a bit more complex. Despite drug policy reform, people can still get arrested for substances ranging from prescription medications to popular drugs. Many of the people swept up in law enforcement efforts related to drugs have substance abuse disorders. Their incarceration after a conviction might only worsen their circumstances.

Those facing accusations of violating California’s drug statutes are at risk of a variety of penalties including incarceration and fines, as well as a criminal record that can turn up at the most inconvenient times. A prior drug offense can make it harder to attend college or obtain a well-paid job.

Quite a few people accused of breaking the law try to resolve the matter as quickly as possible by pleading guilty to their pending charges. In many cases, people might benefit from exploring alternate options. For some defendants, the Orange County drug courts might be a viable option.

What are the drug courts?

The drug courts are an alternative or treatment court system intended to promote rehabilitation and sobriety. Instead of trying to prove guilt and impose punishment, the goal is to oversee defendants’ treatment so that those accused of drug crimes don’t re-offend.

Individuals facing non-violent drug charges may be eligible for drug court proceedings if their offense relates to a substance abuse disorder. Drug court proceedings typically last 18 months or longer. The defendant has to undergo treatment for their substance abuse disorder. They have to regularly meet with court-appointed professionals and submit to randomized drug screening.

When drug court proceedings are successful, they can help people understand and recover from substance abuse disorders. Those who successfully complete drug court proceedings can avoid criminal records and traditional criminal penalties.

Careful adherence to program requirements is necessary, as those who do not complete treatment or fail drug testing may end up back in criminal court. Seeking drug court adjudication can be a smart decision for some defendants. Others could benefit from a traditional criminal defense strategy.

Exploring alternate options, including drug court proceedings, can potentially help those who are facing pending drug charges limit the long-term consequences of a recent arrest. Those accused of violating California’s drug laws may have several different options available to them.

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