If you are facing criminal charges for something you did not do, it is important to look for ways to prove your innocence. Otherwise, you could be punished and burdened with a criminal record for life. One of the clearest ways to show you did not commit a crime is to...
Over 27 Years Of
Criminal Defense Experience
Month: April 2024
3 industries that have a strong association with financial fraud
Fraud charges are among the most common white collar crimes prosecuted in the United States. Fraud can involve individuals acting on their own behalf but frequently involves someone in a professional environment. People in a variety of different careers may engage in...
What does it mean to be charged with running a pyramid scheme?
One type of white-collar financial crime is known as a pyramid scheme. This is a form of fraud that seeks to siphon money from well-meaning investors. It is illegal to run a pyramid scheme, so anyone who is caught doing so could face serious charges, fines and even...
What knives can you carry legally in California?
In comparison with many other states, California has relatively lax knife laws. For instance, switchblades are not illegal to carry here as long as the blade is less than two inches long. But that does not mean you can’t still run afoul of the law for carrying a...