If you are stopped by the police and end up being arrested, you may already know that you should keep your conversation to a minimum. You don’t want to say or do something that could imply that you were involved in a crime or be perceived as an admission of guilt....
Over 27 Years Of
Criminal Defense Experience
Month: April 2022
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The discovery process helps you plan your defense
Police officers and investigators may spend months gathering evidence before they charge you with a crime. The goal is to have enough evidence to convince a jury to convict you, which means they need to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you broke the law. If you...
How do I argue imminent danger when claiming self-defense?
Make no mistake, facing a criminal charge is a big deal. Depending on the nature of the offense, a conviction may mean years or even a lifetime behind bars. Worse still, if you are convicted of killing someone, you might face the death penalty. With the stakes so...