A plea bargain involves making some concessions with the prosecution in exchange for a lighter sentence or fewer charges. However, there is more to a plea bargain than just making a deal. Accepting a plea deal means giving up some rights, some of which are enshrined...
Over 27 Years Of
Criminal Defense Experience
Year: 2022
2 non-criminal consequences of accusations of professional fraud
Professional fraud isn't a specific criminal charge but rather an entire category of white-collar crimes. It might include a doctor diagnosing someone with a condition they know the patient doesn't have to charge for expensive treatments. It could also involve someone...
Why you should never speak to federal authorities on your own
Federal investigators showed up unexpectedly at your home, office or country club one day. They said they just wanted to ask you a few questions. Maybe they even appeared to be more interested in what you knew about someone else than in anything you might have done...
What happens during a pre-trial hearing?
Before a trial, there are pre-trial hearings. However, most people do not understand what goes on during these important events, which could potentially affect the outcome of their case. Understanding what goes on at every stage of your trial will help you look out...
What to do if the police are at your door
It’s beyond disconcerting to hear a loud knock on your door and find the police standing on the other side – and the average person doesn’t know how to handle the situation. If the police show up at your door, it is important to know what to do to protect your...
Penalties for violent crimes against elders and disabled adults
California is a big state. It has a massive population, with new people moving into the area daily. Unfortunately, this high population also leads to more crime than in other parts of the U.S. California ranks 14th in the country for most violent crimes. In...
SEC violations can carry severe penalties
In recent years, the SEC has stepped up its enforcement of securities violations, issuing hefty penalties for companies and individuals that violate its rules. Some of these penalties can be quite severe, preventing violators from doing business with the government or...
Do you have an option of raising an affirmative defense?
When police officers arrest you and then prosecutors arraign you on allegations of a criminal offense, you need to plan a defense if you want to be those charges in court. Prosecutors generally do not pursue cases without adequate evidence, so they likely have some...
Should you take a lie detector test
If you’ve been accused of a crime and know you’re innocent, you might be tempted to agree to a lie detector test, also known as a polygraph. A law enforcement officer may ask you to take the test. You may wish to prove your innocence by submitting to one, but it is...
What information needs to be in a search warrant?
Even if you suspect or know that you or your business is under criminal investigation, it can still be a shock when law enforcement officers show up at your door with a search warrant. As we’ve seen in many high-profile cases, these searches are often carried out...