Thefts of catalytic converters from vehicles have increased in recent years. California has the unfortunate distinction of leading the country in these thefts, with about 30% of the total converters stolen, according to State Farm. The value of a catalytic converter...
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Month: December 2023
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What is health insurance fraud?
Medical insurance fraud is a billion-dollar industry in the U.S. Medicare and Medicaid fraud alone is estimated to cost taxpayers around $100 billion a year, so it’s often aggressively prosecuted. What, exactly, is health insurance fraud? The answers may surprise you....
Money laundering can occur at businesses without their knowledge
Money laundering is a criminal act that obfuscates the origins of capital. By filtering money through a business or certain financial accounts, people can make funds with illegal origins appear legitimate. Oftentimes, those involved in money laundering operations are...