When California authorities believe you engaged in some type of criminal activity, asset forfeiture laws may come into play. Asset forfeiture occurs when the government takes possession of assets it believes underwent use in some type of criminal activity. Authorities...
Over 27 Years Of
Criminal Defense Experience
Month: May 2021
What should you know about domestic violence restraining orders?
After a physical altercation or due to alleged abuse, spouses or domestic partners may seek domestic violence restraining orders. Issued to help safeguard people from abuse or threats of harm, such orders may have significant effects. If you have a domestic violence...
The link between drug trafficking and human trafficking
Drug and human trafficking are examples of how one criminal activity can easily lead to another. These two issues intertwine with each other in many ways. The DEA explains trafficking of drugs and humans is a way for criminal organizations to diversify. They get more...
What are three types of false confessions?
After an arrest, the police will question you. Unfortunately, there are situations where you may confess, regardless of your innocence or guilt. According to Psychology Today, sometimes people confess to crimes they did not commit. Persuaded confessions Officers may...