After an arrest, the police will question you. Unfortunately, there are situations where you may confess, regardless of your innocence or guilt.
According to Psychology Today, sometimes people confess to crimes they did not commit.
Persuaded confessions
Officers may try to persuade you to confess. In these cases, you may begin to doubt your role in the crime, regardless of whether you had any involvement in it. To persuade suspects into confession, an officer may repeat the accusation and discredit any denial or reason for why you could not have committed the crime.
An officer may tell you that he or she has an eyewitness that can put you at the crime scene. If you claim not to remember, the police may say that you repressed the memory. While most people do not want to believe that the cops could persuade them into a confession, it has a higher likelihood than people think.
Voluntary confessions
A voluntary false confession often occurs because a person has a psychiatric disorder. Others who voluntarily confess may desire attention or may want to protect someone else. Voluntary confessions may also come from pressure elsewhere. You may be afraid of the real perpetrator or you may be afraid of another person facing charges.
Compliant confessions
If you made a compliant false confession, it was most likely to avoid a stressful or painful situation. In this type of confession, you are aware that you did nothing wrong. However, interrogators may use physical discomfort or psychological discomfort to push you to confess.
Some people claim that innocent people do not make false confessions; many people would make false confessions due to several factors.