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3 common mistakes people make when facing criminal investigations

On Behalf of | Feb 15, 2024 | Criminal Defense |

Sometimes, law enforcement professionals try to investigate alleged wrongdoing in secrecy. They might even approach a suspect and convince them that they have information that could implicate other people. Other times, law enforcement professionals let someone know that they are subject to an investigation. They count on the anxiety that such knowledge produces to affect someone’s conduct.

Those who know they are subject to a criminal investigation sometimes make mistakes that make them look guilty and give the state evidence to use against them. The following are some of the more common errors committed by those at the center of a police investigation.

Reaching out to others in panic

A police investigation might include monitoring someone’s telecommunication use and social activity. Individuals can sometimes make themselves look guilty by reaching out to other people potentially implicated in the same investigation. Frantic phone calls and conspiratorial meetings can make investigators all the more suspicious and might strengthen the connection between one person allegedly involved in a criminal incident and other prospective defendants.

Throwing away incriminating items

Someone who knows that the police might come to search their home could try to eliminate certain items. Drug paraphernalia, journals, financial documents and other property could serve as evidence for the state in criminal cases. Someone worried that their personal possessions could look problematic during the search of their residents might try to throw those items out. However, police officers and other investigators often go through someone’s trash. Once someone sets items out on the curb for trash pickup, police officers can potentially search them without a warrant. What someone throws away could ultimately help build the case against them.

Trying to talk their way out of charges

Many people wrongfully assume that if they cooperate with investigators, they can exonerate themselves. The unfortunate truth is that law enforcement professionals don’t necessarily want to catch the real criminal. They simply want enough evidence implicating someone to justify charges. Someone who tries to cooperate with law enforcement might do themselves a real disservice by strengthening the state’s case. Police officers may ask someone leading questions or might repeatedly make the same inquiries. The goal is to get someone to contradict themselves or give details that seemingly connect them to criminal activity.

One of the best ways to avoid common mistakes during a criminal investigation is to secure legal representation as soon as possible. Having the guidance of a lawyer while navigating a criminal investigation can minimize someone’s chances of making a mistake that makes them look guilty.

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